22 Years' Battery Customization

The development of LDY196 positive film forming additives in Xinzhou State can effectively improve battery performance

May 25, 2019   Pageview:510

With the National subsidy policy directly linked to the battery energy density, ternary batteries, especially high-energy density-high-nickel 811 batteries, have become an inevitable choice for many domestic battery companies.

In the high nickel age, additives are the most important part. Additives can reduce the reactive activity of electrolytes on the surface of electrodes and improve the compatibility of interfaces, thus improving the performance of batteries.

Xinzhou State has developed LDY196 positive polar film forming additives, which can inhibit the decomposition of electrolytes on positive poles and the dissolution of metal ions such as manganese and cobalt, and also has negative polar membrane forming, which can improve high temperature storage and cycling performance.

At the same time, two high-nickel electrolytes were developed for use in cylindrical and soft-pack/square batteries. The capacity of cylindrical electrolytes remained above 80 after 1000 weeks of cycle.

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