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Volkswagen is expected to launch electric car products in 2019

Aug 05, 2019   Pageview:456

According to foreign media reports, according to the previous plan of the Volkswagen Group, it will not be a large-scale market launch of electric car products until 2019. But now VW is getting ready to ensure that the battery components are available to meet its massive production needs next year.

The German carmaker has doubled its $25 billion contract to $48 billion, after it announced it would sign a $25 billion contract for batteries.

The decision, announced at a recent meeting of shareholders, was based on a "Roadmap" production plan announced last year.

At the time, Matthew Muller, chief executive of Volkswagen, said: "In the past few months, we have tried our best to ensure the speed of implementation of this technology. When the Roadmap plan came out last fall, Volkswagen announced production of 3 million electric cars a year by 2025, with a cumulative total of 80. In 2018, nine models will be added to the list of electric or hybrid vehicles, including three pure electric vehicles.

By 2025, Volkswagen hopes to reach 3 million electric cars a year, including all brands such as Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche.

But that doesn't mean VW will immediately spend $48 billion on battery production for electric vehicles.

At present, the global supply of dedicated automotive battery components is very limited, and it is difficult for auto manufacturers, especially start-ups, to obtain supplier protection. That's why many manufacturers are considering making their own car batteries.

The public took this into account, but eventually decided to abandon the practice. Instead, VW has chosen to enter into long-term contracts with battery makers and has encouraged them to invest more in expanding capacity to grow alongside VW's electric car business.

Although the contract is binding on some levels, it may include provisions based on advances in battery technology and significant improvements in production costs over the next 10 years.

At present, the German carmaker has not disclosed any specific contract details, but it is speculated that the companies that cooperate with Volkswagen may be LGChem, Samsung SDI, Panasonic or CATL.

Technically, VW's production of electric cars will begin with this year's audie-tron Quattro and will expand significantly next year, with a number of i.d. series coming into the market by 2020.

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