22 Years' Battery Customization

Don't overcharge the lithium battery.

Oct 10, 2019   Pageview:1053

As the saying goes, everything should have a degree, and electric bicycle lithium battery charger in battery will automatically stop after filling, there is no nickel electric charger of the so-called "trickle charging for 10 hours.

If the electric bicycle lithium battery after full of, it's a waste of electricity Bai Chong on chargers.

At the same time, the electric bicycle lithium battery charging takes a long time, often need to be done in the night, to the power grid, and for many local voltage is high in the night, and volatile

Especially the lithium battery is very delicate, it than nickel in charge and discharge, the ability of resistance to fluctuation worse, so it brings additional risk. So when the battery must be someone present monitoring, in case of one thousand!

But none of us can't guarantee the lithium battery charge and discharge protection circuit will never change and quality according to the features of foolproof, so for a long time for lithium batteries will take the lithium-ion batteries on the brink of danger. This is also another objection to charging for a long time.

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